Friday Favs_9.25.14

As many of you know, this week has been a roller coaster of emotion. It can sometimes be difficult to bring myself to write a positive post (that typically comes so easy to me) when I'm feeling so bummed out. What my sister is going through right now and the current setback, just feels really unfair.

That being said, positivity breeds light and so I will share this week's brightest moments. I hope these pics make you smile the way they made me smile earlier this week.

Perfect view of our flag at Duxbury beach last week during Rob's sister, Kathryn's triathlon.

The sunrise over Carson Beach on an early morning run.

The view of our city from our friend's North End apartment.

The grin on this boy's face after catching one big blue fish!

The sunset from Castle Island that will never get old.

And this message, for my sister, and for anyone who's feeling a little blue. 

Have a wonderful weekend - take advantage of perfect weather. xo