Weekend Sunshine: ENGAGED!

Hiiiii friendssssss! So, if you've seen any of my social mediums these last couple of days you may have noticed that I had a pretty spectacular weekend. Yes, Rob and I are engaged! Ahhh!

Many of you have asked for the story so I'll give you the readers digest version today. Here it goes!
Rob and I had taken the day off on Friday because I hosted Easter Sunday so we figured that it would be smart to start cleaning and prepping on Friday. Being the organized event planner that I am, I had all kinds of tasks for us that day which included moving around furniture, running errands, cleaning (scrubbing), hitting the gym, and prepping some of the food. Earlier in the day, Rob asked me if I wanted to go for a walk later in the afternoon because the sun was "finally going to come out". Being one that never turns down a walk around Castle Island... I, of course, said it was a great idea. What I didn't know, was what Rob had in store for us that afternoon. What I also didn't prepare for was gloomy weather and a tired back from all of my 'tasks'. 

Oye, poor Rob. Apparently he planned on getting us out the door for the walk around 3/3:30. During this time, I was still organizing my newly arranged living room and finishing up some cleaning. One hour went by, then another.... both of our families knew what was supposed to be happening and apparently were waiting patiently by the phone. 

Rob kept asking me when we could go for a walk... I looked at him like he was crazy for wanting to leave the house before our tasks were complete. Finally, 5:30 rolled around and I begrudgingly went for this walk that he so strangely wanted to go on. When we finally got outside, I didn't think I was dressed warm enough so I went back inside, put on more layers and then FINALLY headed out.

Rob must have been ready to throw in the towel!

So we start walking and I think I stopped complaining? I'm not totally sure but, I did notice that Rob was acting a little funny and was looking around us a lot as we walked over the bridge and closer to the fort. He pointed to the fort and asked if I wanted to take that sidewalk up. Well, you can guess what happened next! Minutes later, he said all the nice things, gave me the most perfect piece of jewelry that I've ever seen in my life, and we were engaged. I've never been happier.

Castle Island has been a special place to me for just about 10 years. I've run that loop probably thousands of times, thinking about my past, present, and future. I've run at sunrise and sunset. I went for my first run there with my best friend Kim before we moved into our old place in 2006. I remember immediately feeling at home there. I've moved in and out of Southie and I've always made my way back, finally buying my place here in 2012. I remember what I thought were my last runs around Castle Island and the first ones when I made my way back to this neighborhood. I remember the first walk that Rob and I went on around the island and every time he's lapped me when we went out for runs separately. I now have the best and most incredible memory to add to that list. Anyone that knows Rob, loves him. He's the best guy and I feel so blessed that I get to marry him.

The End. xo



Friday Favs

Good morning, friends! I'm pretty excited for Friday today because it's been a jam-packed week and I'm sooo ready for a little r&r, certifications catch-up, and apparently March Madness because Rob is beyond excited to watch all the games this weekend. What this means: Rob watches games/Sherri watches nutrition school classes and gets more coursework done for Boxfiit certification. Balance and compromise at its finest, my friends! I hope whatever you have planned this weekend it includes r&r, a fun workout, celebrations of Spring, and if you're into it... March Madness fun and St.Paddy's day shenanigans!

Here are my favs of the week! 


A not so obvious, but very gorgeous view from Castle Island. 


Sunset beauty. 


Elephants are a sign of good luck, wisdom, and protection. I love this little bracelet. 


Springtime tulips are so brilliant. 


After 4 years at PWG, I made the switch to The Club by George Foreman back in November. Now, some incredible things are happening. First up, Boxfiit certification.

Have a sunny weekend! Xo

Weekend Sunshine

Hi friends! How was your weekend? Did you enjoy the weather? It was awesome here in the Northeast! This weekend was jam packed with fun activities that I tried to balance off with some movement and clean eats. Let's just get right to the sunniest moments, shall we?


Perfect post-workout smoothie bowl filled with a plethora of super foods. To make sure these bowls don't turn into calorie-bombs, simply measure the toppings. (I used 1 tsp each of hemp seeds, AB, coconut, and cacao. (Also, don't you love these patterned pants from New Balance!?) 


Mandy came into town for the day on Friday and we essentially bar-hopped and gab, gab, gabbed for most of the day ☺️. These were our Moscow mules from Coppersmiths. 


I kicked off Saturday morning with a fun Bags & Beats class at Everybody Fights! 


Then I picked up some new EBF swag to be like the cool kids 👍🏼 


I was one lucky girl because I got to spend my evening with Rachael AND Kim. We caught up on life for a solid 5 hours and it was fantastic. 


The charcuterie board from Capo is delightful. 


Sunday temps in the 60's made for a lovely little run around Castle Island. 


We swung by my parent's house for a quick dinner and my mom and I had prosecco in these pretty little 1920's glasses


And finally, meal prep! I took the leftover curry sauce from the Thai food we had for dinner, added more chicken and veggies and made a baked curry dish for the week. Plus, some sweet potatoes because they're my fav. 


I hope you all have a FAB week!

Do you like Thai food? Have any go-to Thai takeout places in Soutbie?
