Busy girl, Slim.

Ah, I have been looking forward to writing this post (and my friends have been asking me for it.... especially lately (must be the Spring air!;).  You all know by now that I pull off living a healthy lifestyle all while maintaining a busy schedule at work and enjoying my weekends to the fullest.  I don't believe in giving up good times with good people in order to save a couple calories... c'monnn, that is no fun!  So, how is it all possible?  Allow me to let you in on my secrets.  Weekend warriors, workaholics, party girls (boys), and soccer/football/bball/etc parents - this is for you!

First, weekday lunches/dinner (from home or at the workplace).  Don't indulge here. I don't find it to be worth it.  Monday - Thursday afternoon is the time to be the healthiest.  Super, super healthy. Weekends should be saved for indulgences.  Pack a lunch on regular days.  Don't have time to pack a sandwich or salad? Ya, me either.  Here are some of my 'quick' options:
- Plain Greek yogurt
- Frozen berries
- Apples
- Oatmeal
- Bananas
- Lara Bars
- String cheese
- PBJ (all natural PB!)
- Almonds
- Pecans
- English muffins
- Ezekiel toast
- Walnuts
- Carrots/celery w/ hummus
(I pretty much eat a plain greek yogurt with berries, a slice of ezekiel bread, apple, and either a mini lara bar or another piece of fruit, every day) If you must eat on the fly - check out my "Leaving on a jet plane" post. http://bit.ly/HepqUi

... Anddd if you have to go out for lunch, stick with lean proteins, vegetables.  Look for words like "grilled, baked".  For lunch, a lean salad with light dressing and minimal toppings is the way to go... for dinner... here are some options:
- Grilled fish 
- Caprese salad with a shrimp cocktail
- Baked potato sans extras with a grilled lean protein
- Broth based soups (not creamy)
- Petite filet with salad or steamed vegetables
- Grilled chicken with same sides as listed above
- Sushi - steer away from tempura, and if you get a roll, get some edamame, seaweed salad and/or some sashimi to balance it out.
- Grilled fish tacos (soft shell)
Tips: Start out with a simple salad and drink a tall glass of water before the food comes.  Only eat one piece of bread or roll.  Stay away from anything creamy, fried, candied, or breaded.  Go for steamed, grilled, baked.  Remember, just two drinks and try to stay away from dessert during the week.

Drinks/Apps out with friends (during the week)
- Limit to two drinks, Vodka/soda or red wine.  Stay away from any multiple ingredient, specialty drinks.  They are usually loaded with calories.  If you must, have one, then switch to something lighter.
- Appetizers - I always split apps with my friends.  Choose wisely.  Pick something lean or light as an option in addition to whatever other (tastier) app that you get. Balance! (yes, I am a boneless buffalo wing connoisseur and I will never give that up). 
- Hummus platter with baked pita chips and veggies (a lot of places have this now)
- Mussels
- Tuna sashimi
- Shrimp cocktail
- Grilled anything
- Satay skewers (be careful of the sauces - dip lightly)
- Caprese salad
- Oysters
- Raw platter
- Antipasto
- Salad/pizza combo (bad pizza - one slice, healthier, grilled pizza - two slices)
(sorry if you don't like seafood - I didn't leave you with much ;)
Tips: Try to eat more of the healthier options, and only indulge a little in the fried stuff and dips.  You know you can't avoid ordering that stuff.  Control yourself when it's in front of you! **Be mindful**

It's ok to be a little more indulgent on the weekends.  Follow the same tips from above, BUT, don't give up at every meal.  For example, you had too many bevy's then got late night pizza... don't go out for a gigantic brunch the next day. Or, you had an amazing meal at your favorite restaurant and then want waffles in the am - ah, no. Pick one.

How to deal with a few too many bad decisions?
a) don't beat yourself up
b) well, how bad? haha justtt kidddinggg
c) do this: drink lemon water all day the next day, rest, try to get some sort of exercise in late the next day, down your vitamins, especially b12, drink more lemon water, go to bed super early Sunday night (if possible), drink more lemon water, eat a super healthy lunch/dinner - vegetables, lean proteins, complex carbs, you know the drill. Drink more water.  

Last but not least... if you live this lifestyle and plan to stay healthy, you must work out.  Even if you follow all of these tips, you are likely still consuming more than you should.  I work out 5-7 days a week.  I'm not saying you should be that extreme, BUT, try my 15 minute workout rule. Get in AT LEAST 15 minutes of solid cardio, especially on warrior days.

Tip: either go for a 15 minute run. OR DO THIS:
Jumping jacks, squats, squat jumps, criss cross, burpees, lunges, squats, jumping jacks, burpees.  If you only work out for 15 minutes - you should be out of breath. You will feel so much better if you do this AND, maybe you'll make it 20 or 25 mins :-)

That's what I got, my friends!  It's possible to do it all... just be mindful, make smart decisions, and work out. Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed.  Have a great week!

Health in Friendships

As I've mentioned in my Bio and in the overall description of this blog.  Health is so much more than eating right and working out.  It's about having great relationships in life and being truly happy.  I feel so blessed to have great friends and an amazing family. I'm going to get a little sappy for a moment and then I'll revert back to tips- ha!  

So I had a group of my very close girlfriends over on Friday night.  I think it's important to make time like this with your close friends.  Whether you have 1 best friend or 7... letting them know how much you appreciate their support and loyalty to you as a friend, is so meaningful.  If you haven't called these people in a while... call them.  Just like in romantic relationships, you have to work to keep your friendly relationships strong, as well.  Make time for these people who have been there for you at 4am and beyond.  These are the people that have known you at your worst, best, funnest, and saddest.  They appreciate you for all of the things that make you, YOU, and vice versa.  Show them your appreciation.  That being said, we had a great time... it was just a group of 5 of us on Friday night... we had snacks, drank wine, and chatted.  Typical girls night.  But, it's these nights that stand out from many others. Solid friendships and family members keep you positive, strong, and supported.  That's what's most important in this crazy little world. 

So, getting back to tips... I did end up serving pretty healthy snacks.  As much as I love health and eating well... I'll never force it upon anyone... that's not my thing.  I don't like to sound 'preachy' or give unsolicited advice. That's why I'm enjoying having this blog.  It's a choice whether or not you want to read it.  That being said, when I entertain... I usually have pretty healthy food and mix in food that I know everyone likes. Here's what I did:  veggies and Tzatiki (greek yogurt dip - ((shocker that greek yogurt was included ! - ha try it if you haven't... it's made with greek yogurt, garlic, cucumbers, lemon, and a bunch of healthy herbs... I've made it from scratch a few times in the past but it takes a lot of ingredients and trader joe's has a great version. Most people don't realize how healthy it is - literally 30 calories in two tablespoons and NOTHING fake or 'fat free labeled')); I also had these little brown rice crisps, sweet potato chips (yum!), hummus, olives, pita chips, then I ended up serving a trader joe's frozen pizza (try their frozen pizzas - so good and minimal ingredients!) and served a box of chocolates for dessert.  None of the above listed items have trans fats or have the 'fat free or 'low fat' label planted on them... gross. When you see that - it just means that it has added sugar and that weird olestra shit that no one should eat.  I serve real food and if that means a bit more calories - who cares... it's real food and your body can process it.  One of my friends made fresh guacamole which was delicious and also so healthy! Serving the chocolates for dessert was fun! Usually I cook more but it was Friday night so I didn't have time to make a full on meal - this was a great alternative.  We also had a lot of red wine ;-)

I love nights like this... it's fun to do this with a group of friends on a monthly or bi-monthly basis.  My parents have a supper club with their friends every other month and each night it's themed ... they have a BLAST!  Call your friends, laugh a lot, and appreciate their friendship. That's what matters most.  Hope you all have a lovely week!

Back from Indy

Whew! Back from Indy and it was a worldwind! It was a great conference and I got to catch up with a lot of old friends and put many faces to names of the individuals I work with in the corporate office on a daily basis.  Our schedules were jam-packed, therefore, making it even more difficult to stay healthy but I think I did a pretty good job.  I did work out both mornings (the second morning was a struggle - it was the night after our awards ceremony and big bash at Crane bay).  What I did not expect was that every meal was planned for us, luckily I was able to find some healthy options. I did stick with yogurts/fruits/oatmeal during the breakfast hour.  At lunch, there was a salad bar, so that was easy.  The tough part was sitting alllllllll day long and then have 15 minute break periods with multiple snack bars.  Confession: I love candy and there was a candy bar filled with all of my favorite varieties.  I gave in, dabbling in some peanut m&m's... I figure it was the best choice since the peanuts have protein and some iron... balancing out the sugar from the chocolate.  If I chose gummy worms, jelly beans, etc... my insulin levels would have spiked then dropped... leaving me feeling like crap. 

I bring this up because I read an article on the plane that discussed how the ability to


, decreases throughout the day because you literally tire from saying 'no' and resisting all day.  Makes sense doesn't it?  It's easy to resist the donuts at work first thing in the am but at the end of the day when the dessert tray arrives... it's much harder to say no.  It's good to stay mindful of this... but also, don't beat yourself up.  I'd say on this trip, overall, I made healthy choices 80% of the time (had some candy, desserts, etc. at times when I typically would not)... but not bad considering what was in front of me.  I made sure to drink green tea at every break and stay hydrated throughout the day.  I stood whenever I had a chance and I didn't have any soda. (ah, though I may have exceed the two drink max on awards night).  I also was in bed at a decent hour every night.  What I took away from this three day spree of back-to-back events was that I was mindful and didn't forgo my healthy lifestyle just because I had an 'excuse' to do it.  

Moving on, I'm back and I'm exhausted.  I got a good night's sleep last night and this morning, I put together a breakfast of items that I have left over in my fridge. It is a great power breakfast and so healthy!  Here's what I did and next to each ingredient is a description of their healthiest traits:


1 packet of oatmeal

- whole grain, high fiber, low sugar, packed with B vitamins (energy)


Dash of cinnamon

- antioxidant powerhouse, balances insulin levels


Half a green apple

- most antioxidant packed apple - high fiber


Tablespoon and a half of cottage cheese

- loaded with protein and its amino acid compound is known to repair muscle fibers faster


Tablespoon and a half of walnuts, chopped

- omega-3 fatty acids, high antioxidant levels

- Cook oatmeal with cinnamon... chop the apple and walnuts... add in and then top with the scoop of cottage cheese... Later today I'll get in a good workout and will probably be back to 100%.  Have an awesome weekend!!!

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

Tomorrow morning, bright and early, I'm headed out to Indy (ah, yeah let's not go there) for my company's National Conference.  It will be three days filled with back to back seminars, meetings, luncheons, and 'gatherings' at night.  For this reason, I thought it would be fitting to discuss my tips for staying healthy on a business trip.  Remember, it's not a vacation, it's a business trip... don't take a vacation from your healthy schedule ;)

First things first, The Plane.  Stale air, germy seats, sneezy people... ugh.  The first thing I do is a lap around my terminal to see what kind of breakfast they have to offer.  Jet Blue, by far, has the most amazing terminal.  They have greek yogurt, plain and multiple flavors, all natural bars, coconut water, everything!  Tomorrow I'm flying American... not sure what they have but I'll be prepared just in case.  I always bring a few packets of green tea, stevia

(natural sweetener, calorie free, derived from a plant. Don't eat splenda, equal, or any other fake sugar - you're better off eating a tsp of sugar if you don't have stevia - I'll go into further detail in a later post),

and packets of oatmeal in my carry on.  My flight leaves at 6:55, otherwise I would eat at home.  Don't skip bfast!

Here are some healthy options that you can usually find on most terminals: yogurts, oatmeal (at starbucks), lara bars, kindBars, etc.  You don't have to go for the bagel just because it's easy.  If I can't find anything healthy, I'll pick up some hot water in a cup at any of the vendors (they'll have it - they have tea, right?!) and pour my oatmeal in it.  Tip: Yogurt parfaits are everywhere - beware: The granola packs a ton of calories and fats.  If you pick one up - immediately dump at least half of the granola in the trash.  I've found that the yogurt in them is usually a low fat variety so you're good there. Next, I grab the biggest bottle of water I can find and drink it throughout the plane ride. Lastly, I ask the flight attendant for hot water and make my own green tea with my stevia.  They have regular tea on the plane which is fine, but, I like green better for all of it's antioxidant properties and the energy it will give me for the rest of the day.  Remember the antioxidants in the tea, and the cultures in the yogurt are going to strengthen my immune system on the plane (in addition to all of the other awesome things it's doing for me). One more thing - don't sit until you are on the plane - you'll be sitting for hours - you can handle standing for 45 mins to an hour.  Standing burns 1.5x as many calories as sitting... yup! Oh, and don't forget your hand sanitizer.

Next, breakfast and lunch.  Make a rule: no white/no sugar.  What I mean by that is no white carbs... if it's not whole wheat/whole grain - don't eat it.  Don't eat excess sugars either... they'll cause tiredness throughout the day at all of those meetings!  Easiest way to stick to this plan is to look for lean meats, vegetables and whole grains on the menus. Breakfast is easy - there's usually healthy options at hotels.  Lunch is harder.  If you're at a restaurant and the options are minimal... just get a salad with grilled chicken (boring but you'll feel better later).  If you can't stomach a boring salad...  Pick a sandwich and make modifications.  Ex: turkey club, no mayo, no aioli, on wheat, no fries.  When it comes - take out the middle piece of bread - is that really necessary?  Plus, I can't even fit it in my mouth when they do that!  You can leave a strip of bacon - it won't kill you - there's only 45 calories in a strip.... just don't load it up. 

Last but not least, dinner.  Same rules here.  Dinner is sometimes easier... a lean piece of meat with a side salad, baked potato (yes baked is fine - don't load it up!), and veggies (steamed).  It's also fine to get something that tastes a little better and is moderately healthy, as long as you don't finish it - it's probably huge anyway, right?  One of my favorite things to get is a caprese salad and a shrimp cocktail.  So healthy and so not boring! Red wine is fine. Keep it under 2 glasses.

Almost done!  Getting in a calorie burn:  During the meetings, if you can't handle sitting any longer (this happens to me) Go to the back of the room and stand... just say your back hurts (it probably does, right?)  Also, fidget, move your leg, clench your abs, etc.  I'll be sipping green tea all day if I can swing it... calorie burn w/o movement... yes, please.

Next, bring workout clothes! Even if you're not a morning worker-outer... it's SO EASY at a hotel.  First, usually you get to wake up a bit later because your meetings are in a hotel - no commute.  Next, it's in the building - need I say more?  You'll feel so much better during the day.  Plus, it's fun checking out different gyms (at least I think so?)  At the very least... do this: 20 push ups, 50 jumping jacks, 20 squats, run in place for a minute, 20 alternating lunges, 30 jumping jacks, 10 push ups, 10 burpees, repeat as many times as you can handle.

Hope this helps on your next trip - have an awesome night/day, everyone!

Oatmeal, green tea, white tea, stevia, and detox tea.  It all fits in a little ziplock!

Superbowl Sunday - Here we go Pats!!

Ok quick post today. It's Super Bowl Sunday and the Pats are in it.  It is time to celebrate and enjoy this day.  I'm not going to preach about making low cal dip and avoiding certain foods.  That's not what today is about.  It's about camaraderie and spending time with friends and family. 

Here are my tips for the day:
1. Enjoy the Super Bowl foods... Just be mindful.  Know what you are putting in your body and try not to over-do it.  Just enjoy.
2. Eat your favorite snacks first... and pass on the ones you really don't care about.
3. Drink a lot of water before game time.
4. Get a workout in now if you can.  If not, consider this your rest day and make sure you work out tomorrow. 
5. After the game, drink as much water before bed as you possibly can.  Take a multi-vitamin and a couple ibuprofren.  Trust me, you'll feel better in the morning. 
6. This might be the most important one - don't complain about getting fat while eating the buffalo chicken dip and don't complain after.  No one wants to hear it and it's not good for anyone.
7. It's helpful to make a plate of the snack foods, that way you know exactly how much you are eating, rather than just going back to the bag 100 times
8. Laugh, cheer, and get as fired up as possible.  
Have an awesome day, everyone!  I'm going to eat, drink, and be merry today.  I hope you do, too!  GO PATS GO!!!!!