Life Lately #2?

Hey guys! So much for getting back in my posting routine after my last Weekly Bites post, huh? Whoooosh... Anyway, I thought it would be fun to write a little update post with all of my happenings from fitness to health and everything in between. I usually don't write "Life Lately" posts and I think this is only my 2nd or 3rd one, but, since there IS so much going on... I thought it might be fun to go back and read later. So, let's get to it!

Rob and I got engaged on Good Friday and hosted Easter on Sunday so we had a nice weekend of celebrations with our family. Flower deliveries are always so exciting!

We went down to the beach after dinner to get some fresh air and take some family photos. 

My niece, Ella, was in her first play, "Hard Knock Life", turned out Rob's cousin's daughter was the lead as Annie. Small world! They both did so well!

We went venue hunting and made a decision in one day! I did not expect to do that and people keep joking that I'm planning everything really fast but, I must explain... I plan events for a living! I seriously cannot help but dive straight in and try to get as much done as possible. It actually stresses me out to leave things hanging.

My workouts have remained consistent, but, my schedule has been funky... nights, mornings, etc. I'm almost back to my normal routine of evenings. The timeframe switch-ups have been throwing me off!

When I have relaxing moments like this, I want to freeze time. (But, let's be serious... I always love a solid Friday night in with a good meal and a glass of wine) (grandma sherri)

I went dress shopping which was REALLY FUN! I found "the one"... I actually didn't know that was a phrase. I've never watched "Say Yes to the Dress" Whoops! 

I am two classes out from finishing up my Nutrition Certification! Almost there! Once I cross this off my list, I'll have more time to focus on my Boxfiit Certification. Both are online and incredibly detailed (which I love) but, are obviously time consuming. I'm pumped to add the Nutrition Certification to my resume - I'll do a full write up on this once I finish up! Boxfiit is the most detailed certification I have ever done and I LOVE THAT about it. George III and his team put so much work into this certification - it's truly amazing.

I haven't had Sundays or Mondays free to food prep lately so I've relied on b.good for most of my lunches. The good news is that there are so many healthy options that I've been able to keep my energy up and get all the nutrients I need to stay healthy. The above "Butternut Salad" is one of my favorites.

That about sums it up for now! This Sunday, we are hosting a Cycling Event (at Legacy Place) in conjunction with Rev'd Indoor Cycling benefiting Best Buddies. Tina from Carrots 'n' Cake and I will both be riding at the 11am hour. Sign up if you are interested - it's going to be a lot of fun and we have a great block party planned for during and after the event! More info: HERE!


Weekly Bites #17

Oh haaayyyy guysssss! I didn't fall off the face of the earth... I just decided to plan most of my wedding in two week's time. Lol. I keep joking that this must be what happens when a Marketing Director plans a wedding. When I plan events at work, we take care of the big components first and then all of the details a bit later. I was on auto-pilot, can't help it. Whoopsie!

Anyway, clearly I'm so excited and find all of this planning stuff VERY fun. That being said, it's nice to be back to somewhat of a normal routine again this week. And, I did manage to take some food pics over the last few weeks so I'm bringing it back with Weekly Bites! Since my schedule was a little cray, my meals probably look a bit different. Let's get to it!

Dinner (was sick at the time): Bone broth with chicken, spinach, and rice noodles.

Morning after engagement = glazed donut to the face. THE BEST.

I hosted Easter again this year and would usually have a whole post dedicated to that but, I didn't take many pictures this year. These are the leftovers... my pork tenderloin, asparagus bunch, and the delmonico potatoes that my sister made. Yum!

Lunch: Chicken Caesar salad at b.good. I've mentioned this salad before because it's SUPER light compared to most caesar salads. 

Lunch: Brown rice avocado/salmon sushi from Whole Foods. (ah, clearly didn't food prep the last two weeks)

Lunch: This is the kale and brussels sprout salad from b.good. It was REALLY good. The acorn squash really made it delectable.

Dinner: Game-changer salmon with roasted potatoes and roasted asparagus.

PSA: Via foodler, you can get delivery from Regina Pizzeria out of the North End into Southie. HAND CLAP! We got the cheese and an antipasto.

Dinner: This didn't photograph well, but, zoodles with chicken sausage and pesto. I made the pesto last summer with all the extra basil I had from my garden. I froze it and simply had to defrost it and heat it up to make this :)

Well that about wraps it up... I should be back to a more regular blog posting schedule now that things have cooled off a bit. Have an awesome week! xo


Weekend Sunshine: ENGAGED!

Hiiiii friendssssss! So, if you've seen any of my social mediums these last couple of days you may have noticed that I had a pretty spectacular weekend. Yes, Rob and I are engaged! Ahhh!

Many of you have asked for the story so I'll give you the readers digest version today. Here it goes!
Rob and I had taken the day off on Friday because I hosted Easter Sunday so we figured that it would be smart to start cleaning and prepping on Friday. Being the organized event planner that I am, I had all kinds of tasks for us that day which included moving around furniture, running errands, cleaning (scrubbing), hitting the gym, and prepping some of the food. Earlier in the day, Rob asked me if I wanted to go for a walk later in the afternoon because the sun was "finally going to come out". Being one that never turns down a walk around Castle Island... I, of course, said it was a great idea. What I didn't know, was what Rob had in store for us that afternoon. What I also didn't prepare for was gloomy weather and a tired back from all of my 'tasks'. 

Oye, poor Rob. Apparently he planned on getting us out the door for the walk around 3/3:30. During this time, I was still organizing my newly arranged living room and finishing up some cleaning. One hour went by, then another.... both of our families knew what was supposed to be happening and apparently were waiting patiently by the phone. 

Rob kept asking me when we could go for a walk... I looked at him like he was crazy for wanting to leave the house before our tasks were complete. Finally, 5:30 rolled around and I begrudgingly went for this walk that he so strangely wanted to go on. When we finally got outside, I didn't think I was dressed warm enough so I went back inside, put on more layers and then FINALLY headed out.

Rob must have been ready to throw in the towel!

So we start walking and I think I stopped complaining? I'm not totally sure but, I did notice that Rob was acting a little funny and was looking around us a lot as we walked over the bridge and closer to the fort. He pointed to the fort and asked if I wanted to take that sidewalk up. Well, you can guess what happened next! Minutes later, he said all the nice things, gave me the most perfect piece of jewelry that I've ever seen in my life, and we were engaged. I've never been happier.

Castle Island has been a special place to me for just about 10 years. I've run that loop probably thousands of times, thinking about my past, present, and future. I've run at sunrise and sunset. I went for my first run there with my best friend Kim before we moved into our old place in 2006. I remember immediately feeling at home there. I've moved in and out of Southie and I've always made my way back, finally buying my place here in 2012. I remember what I thought were my last runs around Castle Island and the first ones when I made my way back to this neighborhood. I remember the first walk that Rob and I went on around the island and every time he's lapped me when we went out for runs separately. I now have the best and most incredible memory to add to that list. Anyone that knows Rob, loves him. He's the best guy and I feel so blessed that I get to marry him.

The End. xo
