Vacation Recap & Workouts

Last week, I took the entire week off for some real relaxation and local travel. It was so nice to take a break and spend time at home and also get away and explore Portland, ME with friends! When it comes to vacation workouts - I allow myself to do whatever I feel like doing. I don't skip working out completely because if I did, I wouldn't feel like myself, but, I definitely take it down a few notches. Plus, with all the drinking and eating - it's nice to get in a little sweat sesh. Here's what I put together:

Monday: Fighter Conditioning at PWG (James' Class) (Stayed in Boston this day, organized my life, and went to the beach for some solo time)

M St Beach is such a pretty place when it's not crowded with riff raff.

Tuesday: 4.25 mile run (Went to Dux with my mom after my run. We spent the day just relaxing and surprisingly the water was REALLY warm so we swam a lot!)

Duxbury beach.

Wednesday: My parents have the best little workout room equipped with a treadmill, elliptical, roman chair, bench, ball, and a variety of free weights. I hit the elliptical for about 15 minutes on max resistance so that it looked like I was moving through sand. Then I did the roman chair - 3 sets, 3 sets of dead lifts, 3 sets of squats with overhead press, 2 sets of burpees, a couple rounds of abs. Anddd I think that's it.

Thursday: Nope. Arrived in Portland and there was absolutely no working out unless you count walking from bar to bar....

Friday: Woke up feeling prettty hungover but Kristen and I managed to do a 2 mi jog on the waterfront before we felt so dehydrated and starved that we had to stop to get breakfast, of course. Rob and I hit the hotel gym later in the day for a quick workout. I mainly did jumps and body weight work for about 20 minutes. Nothing crazy.

View from the top of the trail we jogged (Fort Allen Trail)

Amazingly necessary breakfast at Marcys.

Dinner at Flatbread Company post-workout.

Saturday: In the morning - Rob and I hit the hotel gym for about a half hour. I did a 15 minute interval workout on the treadmill (run, sprint, walk at max incline, etc). Then did squats, lunges, star jumps, burpees, pushups, and abs for another 15. Later in the day we rode bikes around Peaks Island which was SO FUN! AND, I overcame my fear of bike riding. haha

I did not love this gym but, I made do.

Rock pile formations at a beach on the island.

The boys. (We took a lot of beer breaks on our bike ride)

Sunday: I finally peeled myself off my couch around 6pm and went for a 3.25 mile run.

That's it, my friends! What a fun week! How do you workout on vacation? Or, do you?

Happy Wednesday! xo